Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Track list - all sourced from YookaMusic.com

Below is a list of three tracks that I listened to via the website YookaMusic where you can discover new genres of music, that are unknown, but appropriate for what your looking for due to the simplicity of being able to search tracks purely by their genre, with hundreds of pages of results. You can listen to a preview of the song, but to download the preview you must sign up to the website. If you want to download the full track, you must pay a small price and this is dependent on the composer of the track as the majority of the tracks are all user submitted. 

- Alone in the Park (2:17)
- One Note Hell (1:30) 
- Crawling in Fog (1:10)


  1. You tend to focus on the mechanics of accessing the music rather than on reflecting what you want any soundtrack to achieve. As music creates tension, suspense, jeopardy and accompanies action, what are you looking as you research?

  2. What are the key codes for the thriller genre that you are hoping to reflect?
